Tuesday 18 October 2011

Welcome to Doveism

Doveism was created in 2007 since then it has laid within the hands of its Founder James Dove who is its driving force.

Doveism is about action, swift driving action when a problem should arise without long debates.

Our ideology is to create a society working in harmony with itself everyone a part of it no one left out, a flexible society able to deal with problems and maintain itself towards progress.

A society that stagnates or erupts into anarchy is not a bad society…it is its leaders that have failed them.

We hold upon an oath to the people that Doveism will do all it can and so much more in order not just to return stability, hope and smiles to you but when your nation is secure and prosperous once more we shall aim for progress.

For progress is the key to all nations, without it a nation stagnates but with it a nation continuously drives for more.

Doveism will react to all other governments across the world in the hope that by doing so we can create a global network of Doveism, within every nation a following of Doveism driving to people to realise that they need not be lead by weakness, greed or simplistic insanity.

Instead together we can build a great new future both stable and secure driven by one thing and one thing only…PROGRESS!

Let me there for welcome you to Doveism and hope that in the process of my campaign to form a global Doveism following you hear my message and seek to join me.

James Dove

CEO/Founder of Doveism
2007 -

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